
Regarding the necessity of development and promotion of environmental knowledge and culture in the country, Payame Noor University as the first university in Iran, has proceeded in designing and implementation of an environment training and education course in Master’s degree from 2008 with 500 graduating students and also has designed and implemented an Environmental Education Ph.D. course in 2012 with 40 Ph.D. candidates up to now. In order to accomplish the educational and research goals of this discipline, permission for Environmental Education and Sustainable development scientific-research quarterly journal was obtained from Ministry of Science, Researches, and Technology, which was published since 2012. Environmental Education Group in Payame Noor University, has held some festivals and exhibitions in 2009, 2010, and 2011, and the First National Conference for Environmental Education has held in 2011. Environmental Education association started its activity from 2015 by 540 memberships as all MA and Ph.D. students. Regarding establishment of a UNESCO chair about Environmental Education in Payame Noor University in 2017, it is expected that this program can achieve its desired goals by available potentials and cooperation between academia, civil society, local communities, researchers, and policy-makers, governmental and nongovernmental organizations.