Specialized meeting on ecological and biological understanding of Khuran strais wetland (Man and the Biosphere Reserves)

In new approaches to environmental protection; in particular management approach of biosphere reserves, much emphasis is placed on public participation in the management of protected areas; therefore, it is suggested that all the stakeholders, particularly local communities participate and offer their opinions in all stages of management planning of wetland so that they could control the output and produced maps, have a sense of belonging to the wetland and assess it in accordance with their needs and priorities. At first, it is essential to identify the areas where indicator species live, breeding sites and the areas threatened by human. To this end, a workshop was held at the Department of Environmental Protection of Hormozgan province, with the presence of scholars, NGOs, CBOs and experts who had implemented projects on the biological environment of the region. UNESCO chair on environmental education participated in holding the workshop.

  • objectives:
    • Collecting case studies undertaken on straits of Khuran wetland
    • Familiarity with participatory zoning of biosphere reserves
  • Main topics:
    • Participatory zoning in biosphere reserves
    • Biological studies on the vegetation and vertebrates of the region
  • Workshop subtopics:
    • Welcoming speech and the need to integrate information on Khuran straits wetland
    • Zoning in the ecosystem management of Khuran straits wetland through the management approach of biosphere reserves
    • Studying the impacts and the pollarding points of Hara forests
    • Biological dispersal of indicator species of aquatic animals in Khuran straits wetland
    • Studying the biodiversity of fish communities in Hara protected area (in Qeshm)
    • Biological dispersal and presence of aquatic birds and the birds that live around water in Khuran straits wetland
    • Sensitive areas of Hara forests in terms of the presence of marine mammals
Date of Meeting: 
Monday, 17 December 2018