Training workshop on Environmental Education at Kahrizak Charity Foundationhe following five tra
Date of Workshop:
Monday, 15 October 2018 to Sunday, 24 February 2019
Kahrizak Charity Foundation, with more than 1,700 help-seekers, employees, and visitors, faces various health-environmental challenges. Mehregan Parto Institute, in cooperation with UNESCO Chair on Environmental Education, organized the following five training workshops to call for the cooperation of various groups of the sanatorium in modifying the behavior and improving the environmental situation of the sanatorium.
Workshop Main Topics:
Identifying environmental problems and and improving environmental attitudes-Nursing group
Operational planning methods for prioritizing and solving environmental problems-Members of the committee for Health and Environment
Introduction to the basic concepts of the environment and protecting the earth-Kindergarten children
Introduction to the Basics of green life-Working mothers and children
Introduction to the basics of environment and environmental attitudes-Selected help-seekers